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Image by Katarzyna Zygnerska


What is invisalign and how can it benefit you?

Invisalign Consultation

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment that has revolutionized the field of teeth straightening. It is a system of clear, virtually invisible aligners that are custom-made for each individual's teeth, gradually shifting them into their desired position. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign offers a discreet and comfortable alternative for both teenagers and adults seeking orthodontic correction.


The primary benefits of Invisalign include improving aesthetics, function and cleansibility. The clear aligners are hardly noticeable when worn, allowing patients to undergo teeth straightening without feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about their appearance. This aspect is particularly attractive to adults who may have been otherwise reluctant to pursue orthodontic treatment.

Moreover, Invisalign aligners are removable, granting users the freedom to enjoy their favorite foods and maintain proper oral hygiene more easily. Unlike braces that require restricted diets and intricate cleaning routines, Invisalign wearers can simply remove the aligners before meals and brush and floss as usual. This promotes better oral health throughout the treatment process and reduces the risk of dental issues arising from trapped food particles and plaque.


Furthermore, the custom-made nature of Invisalign ensures a more comfortable experience for patients. The aligners are designed using advanced 3D imaging technology to fit snugly over the teeth, minimizing discomfort and irritation that may be associated with traditional braces. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are typically replaced every week, with each set designed to make gradual adjustments to the teeth's alignment, resulting in a more controlled and gentle treatment process.


Invisalign often offers the advantage of shorter treatment times compared to conventional braces in many cases. While treatment duration varies depending on individual factors, some patients may achieve their desired results within a year, while others may take slightly longer. The ability to visualize the projected final outcome through computer-generated models further enhances patient satisfaction and allows for greater involvement in the treatment journey.


In summary, Invisalign is a cutting-edge orthodontic solution that combines effectiveness with discretion and comfort. Its clear, removable aligners make it a preferred choice for individuals seeking a more convenient and aesthetically pleasing way to achieve a beautifully aligned smile. By addressing the various concerns associated with traditional braces, Invisalign has gained widespread popularity, improving the lives and oral health of countless individuals worldwide.



Read our blog post Invisalign vs Braces >


Make an appointment to see if Invisalign will work for your oral goals!


Please contact our office for a consultation! We also offer general dentistry services in Kitsilano. 

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